Accessing your Heart’s Intuition


Why is the Heart so special?

The Heart produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field in the human body. Five thousand times more electromagnetic activity than the brain. This field is a carrier of information that extends beyond the body in all directions and interacts with the human and earth’s electromagnetic activity. This information is generated by low frequencies in the form of hormonal and electrical patterns which creates emotional information, conscious perceptions and labels feelings. By practicing the HeartMath techniques we create a new baseline by being heart coherent. This builds our own personal resiliency, allowing us the capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress or adversity. This will increase our energy battery and ability to choose a reaction rather than react automatically from pre-programed responses.

What is HeartMath’s Building Personal Resilience™?

BPR is a focused and practical program, combining personalized coaching or mentoring with scientifically validated tools to help you self-regulate your body’s response to stress and build resilience. You will learn life-long skills you can use any time to increase wellbeing, personal and professional performance and quality of life experience. What you’ll gain:

  • More resilience and vitality

  • Overall sense of well-being

  • Mental clarity and focus

  • Improved relationships

  • Increased composure in challenging situations

  • More effective communications

  • Better cooperation among co-workers and team members

Scientifically Validated:

HeartMath® is the only scientifically-validated system of stress intervention techniques and objective biometric feedback that quantifiably—and dramatically—boosts the health and performance of individuals and organizations. Nearly 1,400 people at six global companies showed the following results were sustained after six months after taking HeartMath training:

60% reduction in anxiety

45% reduction in exhaustion

41% reduction in intent to leave the job

24% improvement in the ability to focus

25% improvement in listening ability

17% improvement in home/work conflict


  • Mediation with Gongs and Tibetan Singing Bowls

  • Introduction to HeartMath

  • Personal and Group exercises

  • Experience the HeartMath techniques and tap into your heart’s intuition

  • End with a Sound journey

  • Class time: 2 hours